The Other Options tab give some lesser used options that are not vital to good use of the Document Management system of OfficeTools WorkSpace. Please note that by default these all come unchecked due to the specificity of situation required to turn these on.
- “When Adding files, copy existing files to appropriate document management subfolder” controls how a document is actually moved to the OfficeTools WorkSpace DMS controlled folder structure. By default and according to design, documents are moved from an original location to the specified OTW DMS folder. If a document was on the desktop and it was dragged and dropped into the contact’s Document tab, it would be removed from the desktop and now only exist in the folder structure monitored by OTW. It was designed that way to remove the unavoidable confusion of having many unconnected copies of documents. In the case of a Word or Excel document that can be edited and changed it would be detrimental to have multiple copies that do not speak to each other. That being said there is an option to, instead of moving the file from one location to another when adding a document to OTW, create a copy and move just the copy to the OTW folder structure. This option is not recommended to be checked.
- When printing an invoice some offices like to have a copy printed to the Document Management System of OfficeTools WorkSpace. “Create a PDF when Invoices are printed to DMS” sends a PDF copy of any invoice that is printed to the Documents tab for the corresponding contact.
- The box that reads “Automatically create document management folders when creating a new contact” pre-creates the category level folders in the Folder structure that exists on your server. Best Practices is to leave this box unchecked.
- When adding a large volume of documents into the OfficeTools WorkSpace Document Management System, it can be tedious to continually fill in the year field. If applicable the setting that reads “Prepopulate new document year field when adding new documents” will populate the current year into every document added by default. It can always be changed on a document by document basis but it will fill in with the current year. The sub option indented below allows you to switch the default to last year, as might be the case with offices that focus heavily on income tax returns.
- Prompt for File Name is going to affect documents that are dragged and dropped into a task, like a To-Do or Appointment. OfficeTools WorkSpace has something called “File Names” and they are predefined file name templates that use merge fields and are customized by you. They can help with standardization of file names amongst all staff and keeps documents uniformly named as often as possible. This option just prompts for those predefined File Names when dragging and dropping into a task, but it does not require it to be used. Staff can disregard by clicking OK in the corresponding prompt. The sub option indented below allows Predefined File Names to be required whenever adding a document to OfficeTools WorkSpace DMS.
- Document Archival and Destruction is an integral part of keeping a server clean and purged of unnecessary documents. Based on individual office preference and more importantly laws that apply to any specific office’s state, the Document Archive/Destruction Interval option can be set for any number of years and months. At the given interval all documents will be moved to the location specified in the Folder Options tab.
- “Create Document Management Folders for All Contacts” will go through and update the OfficeTools WorkSpace folder structure with any category folder that a client might be missing. It follows the same rules as the above option c. This is not a necessary option, nor is it recommended to be used.
- “Update Document Destruction Dates” will take any adjustments to the Document Archive/Destruction Interval and apply it to current documents. The DMS will at that point begin to archive documents at the new interval.