Knowledge Base > User Guides > Outlook > Outlook Sync – Contact Sync

in User GuidesOutlook


The Outlook Sync is a separate application available, that links your OfficeTools WorkSpace database with your Outlook database in 4 different components. Because this is a separate application it does need to be installed on each staff member’s workstation who wants this function. The installation process happens outside of the installation of WorkSpace so if you need technical support you can always give us a call at 661-794-2220 and speak with a technician for help installing.

Once installed and setup, please keep in mind that the Outlook sync runs in the background. There isn’t anything that you need to do to push information, it will happen automatically. The only thing you want to do is make sure that your sync is running periodically by checking your system tray for the Outlook Sync icon (double yellow arrows).


Please note, while setting up the Outlook Sync that each of the four components of the Outlook Sync can be turned on or off individually. Once the sync has been installed on the desired workstation you can access it by opening your system tray (typically found in the bottom right corner of your main screen next to the time and date of your computer) and clicking on the yellow arrows and choosing the option that reads “Open Control Panel”. That will open the sync’s main interface.

One of the components of the Outlook Sync is the ability to connect your OfficeTools WorkSpace contact list, with a contact folder in Outlook. To begin this process, click on the “Options” button to the right of the Contacts label which will open an additional screen with the options to control the contact sync.

Please note, while setting up this sync it is NOT recommended to link OfficeTools to a current Outlook Contact Folder. If you link to a folder in Outlook that has data, it is very likely that the information will be imported into OfficeTools WorkSpace and can duplicate the information you might already have in WorkSpace. Therefore, it is recommended to create a brand-new contact folder in Outlook so that you can push your contact data from WorkSpace into Outlook.

Once the above has been completed, you can find the new folder that you created in Outlook in the drop-down menu of the Outlook Sync labeled “Sync to the following Outlook folder:”. Make sure to choose the new folder you created.

The next five fields control the data that you are allowing to go from WorkSpace to Outlook ONLY. You can decide which WorkSpace Contact Groups, Account Managers, Contact Types, Entity Types, and Professions can be synchronized into Outlook. Please note that this is not controlling any data push from Outlook to WorkSpace. For these five fields, you can choose one option in the drop-down menu, or by using the ellipsis button to the right, you can select multiple options. There are also 2 additional checkboxes that will allow OfficeTools WorkSpace to push alternate contacts and/or dependents over to Outlook as well as the main contact’s information. Typically, these boxes will not be checked.

The final three check boxes control the access that Outlook will have to WorkSpace. Now with these options we must be careful because they control the data that is pushed to WorkSpace from Outlook. Typically, these boxes should remain unchecked and the data that is synchronized between the two programs is only the contact information that originates in WorkSpace is synchronized to Outlook and not the other way around.

Lastly, there is an option to access the field mappings between the systems. This is a pretty advanced feature that allows control over which Outlook field is mapped to which WorkSpace field. Overall you should NOT change where the fields are mapped, but in the very unlikely case that you store data in unconventional fields in Outlook, you can make sure the proper data ends up in the proper fields.

After all of the desired information has been populated here, click “OK” and change the switch next to the Contacts label from “Off” to “On” by simply clicking on it.